Posts tagged anna stephens
What Hollywood doesn't tell you about human trafficking

I’ve seen several movies depicting sex trafficking in different ways, but the common factor is that they all depict it in a manner that causes shock and intrigue, yet still remains distant from the reality of the issue. Whether it’s depicting a woman who has to work on the streets and approach customers to make money for her pimp, or a dark portrayal of women being auctioned off to wealthy men, it all depicts sex-trafficking in somewhat of a glamorous manner.

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Purse & Clutch: Redefining sustainability

At Dressember, we’re into making powerful purchases, which is why we partner with companies that are changing the fashion game for good. Meet Purse & Clutch (P&C): an Austin-based company specializing in accessories with an impact. Through providing beautiful, ethically made handbags, they are ending the cycle of poverty for artisans in Guatemala and Ethiopia.

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How does female infanticide and female foeticide contribute to the issue of modern slavery?

In certain cultures, male children are preferred over females, a preference that can often lead the family to end the female’s life. In these cases, males are valued as workers, providers for the family, and needed to carry on the family name. On the other hand, females are seen as an extra mouth to feed, an increased liability, and an economic burden, particularly when it comes time to pay a dowry for her to get married.

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Advocate Spotlight: 9-year-old Corah Stephens

Has anyone ever told you that you’re too young to change the world? Let me introduce you to Corah Stephens, the 9-year-old world-changer who is shattering that lie. This is her first year of Dressember advocacy, but she is already making a huge impact through raising $800 in the first 10 days of December, and boldly talking about human trafficking in her daily encounters.

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How does ethical fashion play into human trafficking?

Fast fashion describes the rapid movement of inexpensive garments from the runway to the store in order to keep up with trends. It stocks stores with beautiful, on-trend items that are hard to say “no” to because of their low prices. But would we consider thinking twice before buying if we knew how that garment was made? If we were to meet the man or woman who made that article of clothing, talked to them about their salary or working conditions, and put ourselves in their shoes - would the $10 skirt be worth it?

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What if nobody asks me about my dress or tie?

So, you’re halfway through the month of December and you’re feeling a little bit discouraged because people aren’t noticing the fact that you’re wearing a dress or a tie. I’ve been there and I feel your pain, friend. Going into my fourth year of being a Dressember advocate, this is one of the biggest obstacles and insecurities to overcome. So, let’s chat about it!

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