EPISODE 10:Anne Kinsey

Anne Kinsey is the Founder and Executive Director of Love Powered Life. Anne is a trauma-sensitive neurofeedback practitioner, HRV biofeedback practitioner, and trauma recovery coach. She is passionate about serving people who have experienced human trafficking, developmental trauma, spiritual trauma, abuse, and discrimination and practitioners who work with these populations.

Anne Kinsey first served people with lived experience of human trafficking at a drug rehabilitation facility in 2004. Four years later, she started a support group for expectant mothers and found that some were currently experiencing human trafficking or had in the past. A few years after, Anne volunteered at a local safe home for children who had experienced human trafficking. Anne and her family provided respite care for survivors, and in 2015 she and her family began a mentoring program called "Nails on the Trail." The mentoring program served trafficking survivors through hiking and the joy of survivor-created, inspirational nail art. Nails on the Trail became Love Powered Life as the vision expanded the provision of healing services for entire families and trafficking survivors of all ages.

Listen in for insight on how we can be a part of the healing process for trafficking survivors without retraumatizing them.