Thru-Hiking for Freedom: An Interview with Phill Toomasian


Phill “Flamingo” Toomasian is taking year-round Dressember fundraising to a whole new level! Earlier this year, the Dressember advocate set out to hike the entire Appalachian Trail (AT), Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) and Continental Divide Trail (CDT) in one year. This feat, known as the Calendar Year Triple Crown, spans 7,700 miles across 22 states and has only been completed by a handful of dedicated hikers. All the while, he raised awareness and funds to fight human trafficking through his Dressember campaign, aiming to raise a dollar for every mile hiked. 

Phill finished the AT and CDT, raising over $1,650 for Dressember and counting. He was about to hike the PCT (for the second time since 2018) and finish the Calendar Year Triple Crown when the COVID-19 pandemic prompted him to return home until it is safe and prudent to hit the trails again. Though the pandemic changed Phill’s plans, he’s still as passionate as ever about advocating for human dignity and freedom—and he’s got plenty of trail stories to tell from his journey. 

Phill earned the trail name “Flamingo” when he started wearing his bright pink hiking pants, seen in the picture below. Originally worn as a joke, Phill quickly realized they were a “game-changer.” When asked about the unique fashion statement, Phill commented, “They’re the best hiking pants that have ever existed. They dry out fast, block the wind, and mosquitoes can’t bite through them.” Phill’s pink pants are bold, but they’re not the most unique part of his hiking experience—through his Instagram, the advocate is educating his followers on the reality of human trafficking.

When he set out on this journey, Phill knew he wanted to align with a charity and use his love of hiking to make a difference. When asked why he chose Dressember, which he initially learned about through friends at Huntington University, Phill said, “It was a no brainer really! I knew I’d be growing on Instagram especially, and it’s just so easy to add a link in the description.” 

Phill is taking advantage of the growth resulting from his hike to advocate against human trafficking and the industries that contribute to it. “I am very open to making statements against pornography,” Phill explained, “as I know that is a huge source for human trafficking. It took me almost 11 years to get away from struggling with that.” Phill hopes his story and his journey on the trail will resonate with his followers and effect change around the world. 

If there is anything I can truly point to from my adventure as a testament to the perseverance I have mentioned, it is the mission of Dressember and the generosity many of you have portrayed in giving.
— Phill

“My fundraising goal this year is $7,700,” Phill shared, “Basically, I hope to match a dollar per mile. I’m really just taking it one step at a time…literally!” In addition to sharing about Dressember on his Instagram stories, Phill has been very vulnerable about the experience of hiking 20-40 miles every day. “When you are out for months at a time, the rewarding experiences generally come by moment. What really makes me laugh and feel empowered on the trail are small things.” Phill shares these “small things” with his followers, from being surprised by good weather to pizza pick-me-ups. The key, Phill argues, is your mindset. Phill views his experience on the trail as “real-world experience, like working a nine-to-five.” When you look at your place in life, whether it’s work, school, or the trail, from this lens, it allows you to experience intense personal growth and overcome outstanding obstacles.

Phill fii the CDT in November.

Phill finishing the CDT in November.

Though Phill’s challenge was cut short, he doesn’t take experiences for granted and remains committed to eradicating human trafficking. “If there is anything I can truly point to from my adventure as a testament to the perseverance I have mentioned, it is the mission of @dressember and the generosity many of you have portrayed in giving to an organization that seeks to free and empower the slaves of human trafficking. I am in awe of what they do and it’s never too late to give,” he wrote in an Instagram caption marking the completion of his 98-day thru-hike across the CDT. 

Dedication, hard work and a willingness to stop and appreciate the small moments kept Phill hiking the trail and advocating for survivors of human trafficking. Really, the fight against trafficking is not unlike a long hike. There are ups and downs, successes and failures, mountain-top moments and rainy days. The dangers are real and the journey is long. But when we choose to take a stand, to band together as a community and to fight every day to make a difference, justice will be unstoppable. 

Want to be a part of the adventure? Follow Phill on Instagram (@phillip.david.t) to encourage him as he advocates with Dressember!


About the Author

Ashley Crunk.png

Ashley Crunk is pursuing a degree in Communication at Clemson University. She is passionate about sustainability and ethical purchasing, and hopes to incorporate both into her future career. In her free time, you'll find her hanging out in coffee shops, hiking, rock climbing, or painting.
