Meet Elisabeth, a 2019 dress designer


I designed this dress to honor the idea that every unique expression of femininity, every experience of womanhood, and every womanly body type is valid.
— Elisabeth Huisjkens

Elisabeth Huijskens is the Chief Creative Officer and Founder of ethical fashion brand, Trades of Hope. She is an entrepreneur and blogger who is passionate about social justice and empowering women to live confidently. Get to know Elisabeth better and hear the inspiration behind her dress design in our interview with her.

Why did you design your dress the way you did?

I designed this dress to honor the idea that every unique expression of femininity, every experience of womanhood, and every womanly body type is valid. I pursued classic fashion elements like the waist-enhancing peplum to empower women to embrace their figures and rock this dress confidently.

Why does Dressember’s mission of a world without slavery resonate with you?

I traveled to a developing country for the first time when I was 8 years old. Ever since then, I have viewed it as my responsibility to use my privilege to empower those without opportunity. Founding Trades of Hope allowed me to help women earn a living wage, making them less vulnerable to the trappings of slavery. However, prevention and rescue should work hand-in-hand. That's why I am so honored to partner with Dressember in our shared vision where all people are free.

What is something you’re proud of right now?

I am so proud of the fashion lines we are releasing at Trades of Hope. We have just released our Fall 2019 Line in July and are about to release our Spring 2020 Line in January. The fast fashion industry is detrimental to our anti-human trafficking efforts. That's why I am so excited to bring ethically-made, slow fashion alternatives that are so completely irresistible​!

Anything else you’d like to share with us?

I live by the quote, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [wo]men to do nothing.” We are not responsible for solving all of the world's problems. We are only responsible for taking hold of the opportunities to make the world a better place that come before us. Being faithful to extend love and acceptance to all people, consuming consciously, and using our buying power to no longer allow sweatshops and slavery to continue will change this world. But even if it was all done for the life of one, it would be immensely worth it.

Connect with Elisabeth:

You can connect with Elisabeth on Instagram at @elisabethhuijskens (she replies to all her messages) and on her blog at And you can learn more about Trades of Hope at

Sketch by Samantha Pilon

Sketch by Samantha Pilon

