How many people does human trafficking impact?


Dressember Reading Day #1

Every day during the month of December, we’re answering common questions and breaking down different aspects of human trafficking on our blog and Instagram. Join us in raising awareness about the injustice of human trafficking by sharing, donating, or joining the Dressember campaign (it’s not too late!).

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How many people does human trafficking impact? 

According to Global Estimates of Modern Slavery, 40 million people are victims of modern slavery today. This includes 20.2 million people in forced labor, 4.8 million in forced sexual exploitation, and 15 million in forced marriage.

Wait, what is considered human trafficking?

According to the UN Trafficking in Persons Protocol, human trafficking is defined as the transfer or habouring of persons by means of force or giving or receiving payments for the exploitation of a person. As the United States government puts it, human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. While it is not universally agreed upon as to what qualifies as human trafficking, the Global Estimates of Modern Slavery includes victims of forced labor and forced marriage. Forced labor can take the forms of labor exploitation and commercial sexual exploitation. Forced marriage can occur by physical or emotional duress, or deception by family members or their community. We’ll learn more about these specific forms throughout the month.

Who are victims of human trafficking?

Modern slavery affects people of all races, genders, and ages but some are disproportionately impacted. 71% of victims are women and 25% of total victims are children.

Pause, where does this occur?

Human trafficking exists on every corner of the planet; it’s estimated that 50,000 people are trafficked yearly in the US alone. Unfortunately, this is not a “somewhere else” problem. It exists in all of our neighborhoods. 

But, how are we all involved?

Globally, human trafficking is a $150 billion dollar industry; products like electronics, apparel, fish, and cocoa are at risk of being produced using modern slavery. This means that every time we step into a clothing store or order a new set of headphones, we risk supporting an industry that exploits its workers. 98% of garment workers do not make a livable wage and are often subjected to long hours and inhumane working conditions. It’s time for a radical change in which we look at our possessions and ask, “who made this?”

Wow. Is there some way I can positively impact human trafficking?

Of course! Just by checking out Dressember, you are taking the right steps towards a world without slavery. Dressember partners with and supports organizations around the globe that are fighting human trafficking at the source. Check back with us every day of December 2019 for more articles to keep you informed on the issues and ways that you can help us combat modern slavery!

Further Reading:

Global Estimates of Modern Slavery

Global Slavery Index

Dressember’s Impact


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About the Author

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Elisha Stauffer is a junior at THE Ohio State University studying Writing, Rhetoric, and Literacy with a minor in Slavic Studies. Her daily life is consumed by reading Czech literature, weird yoga poses, and rewatching episodes of Brooklyn 99. She is certified by the Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force and plans to make advocacy a focus for the rest of her life.

Dressemberdressember 2019