Your next step in advocacy: listening and learning


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At Dressember we believe in advocating for the dignity of all people. We take educating our audience very seriously, though we also recognize we are not experts in systemic racism and the oppression of people of color. In this 6 week series, our goal is to educate and promote awareness, while pointing you to resources written by people deeply invested in the fight to end racial injustice.

The topics we are discussing may be new for some of you. Wherever you are in your journey to dismantling racism and white supremacy, we invite you to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. This series may make you uneasy, cause you to raise questions, and challenge the framework you have been socialized into. We encourage you to take this learning process slowly and dig deep into the undoing this work requires. Some of the greatest education and tools are accessible to us in the form of books, movies, and podcasts, and we hope that you find this resource guide helpful in your learning process.

To Read

While this list is not exhaustive, here are a few great resources to get you started. Topics include understanding white privilege, systemic racial inequality, racial bias in the American legal system, and more.

“Just Mercy,” the film adaptation of Bryan Stevenson’s book.

To Listen

Podcast and TedTalks are powerful resources to be a fly on the wall to important conversations.

How are you listening and learning this week?

Comment below to share how you’re listening and learning to become a better advocate this week!

