10x10 Challenge: Creativity with a Minimalist Wardrobe


The Dressember team is putting inspiration into action after the latest challenge from our Summer Book Club reading, The Conscious Closet by Elizabeth Cline. Cline’s writing walks readers through the process of creating a closet that supports ethical and environmental practices with one of the simplest steps being utilizing what you have!

The 10x10 Challenge is where participants curate a capsule wardrobe for 10 days utilizing only 10 articles of clothing (including shoes). Never to shy away from a fashion challenge for a cause, our team took on the 10x10 Challenge head on! Here’s how the Dressember team took on the challenge.

Blythe Hill - CEO/Founder

For Blythe’s capsule wardrobe, she utilized both staple pieces from ethical brands and fair trade accessories. You’ll also see a dress from Crossroads, a unique platform for resale clothing.

Outfit 1: thrifted top, Mata Traders necklace, Fair Indigo pants (jumpsuit), Everlane shoes

Outfit 2: Pop linen top, Noonday collection bandana, vintage Levi’s, Everlane shoes

Outfit 3: Brixton hat, Everlane top, Levi’s, Everlane shoes

Outfit 4: Fair Indigo jumpsuit, Known Supply top, Everlane shoes

Outfit 5: Known Supply top, Tribe Alive pants, Everlane shoes

Outfit 6: Fair Indigo jumpsuit, Mikoleon clutch, Everlane shoes

Outfit 7: Thrifted top, Dear Survivor earrings, Levi’s, Eeverlane shoes

Outfit 8: Crossroads dress, Known Supply top, Everlane shoes

Outfit 9: Pop Linen top, Gigi Pip hat, Tribe Alive pants, Everlane shoes

Outfit 10: Crossroads dress, Everlane top, Everlane shoes

Marissa Peden - Director of Strategic Partnerships

Marissa utilized pieces that support some of our favorite ethical brands and also included a pair of thrifted jeans! Three of her pieces can be found at our Dressember shop, for up to 70% off from now until May 31!

Outift 1: Carly Jean tank, Known Supply pants

Outfit 2: Dressember, The Jen dress

Outfit 3: Known Supply tee, Madewell jeans (thrifted)

Outfit 4: Dressember, The Elisabeth dress

Outfit 5: Carly Jean tank, Madewell jeans (thrifted)

Outfit 6: Carly Jean tank, Carly Jean jumpsuit, Buddha Wear button down

Outfit 7: Buddha Wear button down, Madewell jeans (thrifted)

Outfit 8: Known Supply pants, Known Supply tee

Outfit 9: Dressember, The Vera dress

Outfit 10: Carly jean tank, Carly Jean jumpsuit

Michelle Chavez - Director of Operations

Michelle’s capsule incorporates pieces that are not only fair trade but also environmentally conscious! You will also see a piece she shares that is not likely to be ethical brands but as author Elizabeth Cline emphasizes, the most ethical items are the ones you already own! Her ten items include:

1: Pact Dress - Organic cotton & Fair trade certified 

2: Sandals- Michelle shares these are a “random brand I bought on vacation because I forgot sandals. They're most likely not an ethical brand, but ethical brands aren't always an option. I wear them frequently and take good care of them, so hopefully they last a long time!”

3: Denim overshirt - This is an old denim shirt that I've had for almost a decade. 

4: Veja Shoes - Made out of eco-friendly materials (vegan leather, organic cotton canvas, and wild rubber) and constructed in Brazil with fair trade principles.

5: Dressember Jordan Dress

6: Everlane Jeans - made in a LEED certified, low waste factory with recycled water

7: Everlane Tee - old tee. Not everyone considers Everlane an ethical brand anymore, but I will continue to wear the items I bought from them until they wear out.

8: Madewell shorts - fair trade certified 

9: ABLE tee - ethically made

10: Amour Vert jumpsuit - ethically made, sustainable

Tori Schaulis - Communications Manager

Tori’s capsule features brands that have ethical practices like Preemptive Love and Madewell while also including different forms of ethical shopping like thrifting and clothing swaps! A simple way to update your wardrobe while limiting clothing waste is to do a clothing swap with some friends!

Outfit 1: Everlane top, Madewell pants, Madewell sandals

Outfit 2: Everlane dress, Madewell sandals

Outfit 3: Everlane top, Madewell pants, Madewell sandals

Outfit 4: Preemptive Love top, Madewell pants, thrifted shoes

Outfit 5: Everlane top, Madewell pants, Madewell sandals

Outfit 6: Clothing swap top, Madewell pants, thrifted shoes, Madewell scarf

Outfit 7: Carly Jean Los Angeles top, Madewell pants, thrifted shoes

Outfit 8: Everlane dress, thrifted shoes, Madewell scarf

Outfit 9: Clothing swap top, Madewell pants, Madewell sandals

 Outfit 10: Preemptive Love top, Madewell pants, thrifted shoes

Your turn!

What’s in your 10x10 wardrobe? For more ideas on how to build a conscious closet, catch our conversation on our Facebook page for the Summer Book Club!

