5 Tips for Conscious Gift-Giving


By Caitlin Kinder

The gift-giving season is upon us, and while it is a time to celebrate and cherish our loved ones, it’s crucial to consider the trust cost of our spending. The holiday season often sees a surge of over-consumption, leading to increased waste and overworked laborers. A recent study by the Center for Biological Diversity revealed that Americans generate 23% more waste in December than in other months of the year, and 33% who received a gift they didn’t like threw it away. 

5 Tips for Mindful Gift-Giving

So you may wonder: is there a way to sustainably participate in the holiday cheer and gift-giving spirit?

The resounding answer is: YES! Here are five tips for mindful gift-giving as a conscious consumer:

1. Gift SHARED Experiences

Sometimes, our time is the most meaningful thing we can offer a loved one. Consider getting tickets for the two of you to enjoy a sporting event or the concert of a cherished musician. For the more adventurous of us, plan to knock something off their bucket list with them (or at least be there to watch them do it!)

2. Regift/Make Homemade Gifts

“New” doesn’t have to mean brand new from the store—just “new” to the recipient! Regift items you’ve received but aren’t your taste to someone who would appreciate them. Homemade gifts, such as baked goods or curated gift baskets from unused items in your home, add a great personal touch.

3. Gift YOUR Services

Recreate the nostalgia of gifting coupon books by offering your unique skills. Whether repairing a fence, giving an at-home pedicure, or cooking your favorite recipe for dinner, the value of your time and experience often means more than anything you can give in a box.

4. Donate to a Charity in Their Name

If your loved one is passionate about a specific organization or charity—like Dressember’s fight against human trafficking—consider redirecting the money you would spend on a gift to a charity of their choice.

5. Shop Small and Sustainably

When you do shop, choose consciously. Check out Dressember’s Holiday Guide for a curated list of ethical brands you can feel good about gifting. We have exclusive discount codes for you to use to help spread the holiday cheer even further!

Let's make this holiday season about mindful celebrations and meaningful connections. This December, consider joining the Dressember 2023 campaign, where people commit to wearing dresses or ties for the 31 days of the month to raise awareness and funds for the fight against human trafficking. Over the last decade, over 32,000 advocates have linked arms worldwide to raise $18M for advocacy, prevention, intervention, and survivor empowerment initiatives. Learn more about how to get involved and give a gift to support trafficking victims and survivors at dressember.org.


About the Author


Caitlin Kinder is a third-year advocate for Dressember because she believes that all people have inherent dignity and value. She recently graduated from Texas Tech University with a Bachelor’s degree in English Creative Writing and is now an editorial intern for Dressember while she remains in Lubbock, Texas, investing in her local community. Caitlin enjoys dancing, hiking, painting, and sitting around a dinner table with her friends. You can find her at @caitkind on Instagram.